Thursday, July 5, 2018

AWS Mining Review. Scam Or Legit?

Introduction To My AWS Mining Review.

I have been into making money online industry for so many years now. But just made a short pause lately in order to check what is really going on in the industry and also to determine what are the opportunities that are REALLY working and are also for the long term.

Juts like you, I am looking for opportunities that are not only profitable but also would benefit those that would join with me. 

Then I stumbled upon on one of the posts in my social media account about AWS Mining. AWS Mining is a company offering cloud based cryptocurrency mining services.  Now I know that a lot of crypto mining schemes are just downright Ponzi scams but while there are a lot of crooks in this industry,  this business model is also proven to work and can be long term.

There are cloud based crypto mining companies that are successfully operating for so many years now, like Genesis Mining and few others. The business model is feasible what we need to check is the management or people behind it and the infrastructure where this has already built on. It gives me an urging inside to take a look and study about the company and here is what I found.

What Is AWS Mining?

AWS Mining is a cloud based cryptocurrency mining company. It offers an opportunity for ordinary people just like you and me to participate in a very rewarding industry of crypto mining. Advantages would include low cost of entry and of course minimal risks or expenses as we do not have to build the infrastructures ourselves. 

When I first check it online, it is one of the very few crypto mining companies that is given by Net Business Rating by a "promising" grade. Which means that it has a great potential for success. 

It is also a delightful surprise that there are a lot of proofs that the mining facilities are real. While other fake companies just show you photos of mining rigs taken from somewhere else, AWS Mining actually shows you lots of videos with people wearing shirts with AWS Mining logo discussing about their operation and their facilities. 

In fact, in just one of their first presentation videos it shows you these facilities and personnel. They started with 3 mining facilities, one is in Sichuan, China ; the other is in Inner Mongolia and  the third one is in Paraguay. These 3 locations were initially chosen due to the presence of good and affordable power sources. 

There are many other videos showing you the authenticity of these mining locations(just search it on YouTube with key word AWS Mining). AWS Mining keeps adding more mining facilities in various locations (good for security as it does not depend on one geo-political location), next target is the one being built in Russia. The company is growing and is looking to stay long term.   

Corporate offices are listed as 1. Level 57, MLC Centre 19 29, Martin Place, Sydney Australia;  2. Road 106 Purple Mountain, Hotel 613 Yaan, Sichuan Province, China and 3. Room 403 4/F Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Road East - Wan Chain.

Who Are The People Behind AWS Mining?

We have the facilities, now let's take a look if the people behind the company are real. This is a real company so there should be real people behind it. The core people are Daniel Beduschi as Chief Operational Officer, Eric Mu as Data Centers Manager, Alexander Campos as Business Manager, Tiago Kirsten as Environmental Manager and many others.

Here is one interview by CryptoTV Plus on Cynthia Petion, AWS Mining, Vice President at Nairobi, Kenya:

AWS Mining Income Opportunity.

The most basic way for you to earn money inside AWS Mining is to buy a contract and then earn a passive income until the contract expires or reaches the 200% return. The minimum contract price  is $40.

Now if you are good in marketing you can earn more in 10% direct referral commissions, Acceleration Bonus, Team Bonus, Residual Bonus and Performance Bonus.

What I would recommend is to sign up FREE   and explore the dashboard inside. Check all the information before you invest. You may also be guided by your sponsor, just feel free to ask them.

If you are into Facebook please message me with comment AWS team member and your AWS Mining username so I would know that you are with my team when I check my dashboard inside AWS Mining platform. I would then guide you if you need any help, and let us grow your account together.

If you are not into Facebook you can email me at If you have joined with a different sponsor there are a lot of  resources I and other leaders in this company have already shared  (YouTube, Google, etc.).

You may scour all these resources from the internet I will share all those guides and strategies for FREE but I may not be able to personally assists you as I will devote or focus my attention to all who joined under me.

Just like you, I also have limited time in a day so I would focus my attention to my team members. To all my team members, we will grow your account and make sure you will be in profit by implementing a strategy that suits your personality and preference.

There are two main assets to consider, TIME and MONEY. And the best character to apply in order to be successful in this endeavor is COMMITMENT. So, if you commit yourself to be successful and to get your financial freedom through this opportunity, I am sure that we can use whatever assets you have and get you into your destination of SUCCESS.

If we are short in cash flow right now, I would suggest that we use our time by marketing this platform to earn bonuses and use that to grow our AWS Mining account. Then we apply a strategy how much to cash out and how much to reinvest out of our earnings. The more important thing is that we already cash out some money to enjoy our profits as soon as possible and at the same time have our account consistently growing for long term benefits.

Of course, it would be easier if we already have some cash, all we have to do is implement a schedule and how much of our earnings we would cash out and to reinvest.

But my best recommendation is of course to do both. Use our money for faster and significant earnings and use our time to market this company to exponentially grow our AWS Mining account. If you join with me and you need any help especially on the usage, strategy and marketing of AWS Mining business, please connect with me, we will analyze and implement a strategy to fast track your AWS Mining success.

Here is a link to my page on Step By Step Guide How To Start Making Money With AWS Mining. 

Conclusion To My AWS Mining Review.

This is an opportunity with a very good chance for success. But of course I would recommend that you also do your due diligence, search all the information available to you online and offline.

Ask your inner self right at this time if it feels right deep within you. Your initial gut feeling that prompts you after getting all the necessary information whether a certain transaction is good or bad  is always right. And if it feels good, take ACTION NOW and let's go into this journey together. 

Join AWS Mining NOW and enjoy the journey with me. CLICK HERE! Don't forget to check the username of your sponsor as "arnel"

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